British Army Codex! -[]-

British Army Codex

Welcome to the British army codex, Every rule written here is a Law and must be followed while on Base Premises or in the base. If you do not follow these you are subject to certain punishment. These laws are to be enforced by The Royal Military Police.

1. Follow the Chain of Command, If you have an inquiry, Ask the lowest ranking officer first!

2. You are to address your superiors as “Sir” or “Ma’am” unless told otherwise.

3. You are to call lower ranks by there British Army rank. Example: “Yes, Major!”

4. You are required to wear the British Army Standard Uniform while on duty. Always wear what is need, Formals for formal events, Physical Training uniform for PT and Standards for patrol.

5. Any form of trolling,Immaturity,Exploiting and hate speech is not tolerated. You will face severe punishment if you brake this law.

6. Ranks are earned, Asking for a rank is not tolerated and you will be demoted.

7. Use Grammar to the best of your ability. It is not always expected but use it as much as you can.

8. Self advertisement is strictly prohibited. If you do this you are subject to a blacklist.

9. Before you report another member for behaviour problems, Try to fix it and help them. They may not know what they are doing wrong and would be happy to fix it.

10. We accept abbreviation but try to keep them minimal and as small as possible, Eg “STS” or “SFL”. Instead use “Shoulder to Shoulder” or “Single File Line”

11. Use of packages is strictly prohibited and you will not be let in the base with them, Please remove all packages before joining the base.


Guide Book!

Coming Soon!

Inspection Manual!

Coming Soon!