British Army Information

British Army Information

This will contain all information needed to get you started in the British Army
Group Link: [B.A.] British Army - Roblox

Rank Structure


Governemnt Ranks

  • Chief of General Staff - Owner of the group
  • Deputy Chief of General Staff - Co-Owner of the group

Headquarters [Army Staff]

  • General (1) - Commander for Home Command (RMP, ETS, GG & MERC)
  • General (2) - Commander of the Field Army (SAS, AAC and PARAS)
  • Lieutenant Generals (7) - the Lieutenant Generals are the sole overseers for each regiment

Senior Officers

  • Brigadier (7) - the Brigadiers are the Commanders for each regiment.
  • Colonel (7) - the Colonels are the Executives for each regiment.


  • Lieutenant Colonel - Regiment Officers / Battalion Commanders
  • Major - Regiment Officers / Battalion Executives
  • Lieutenant - Passed BOP

Senior Enlisted

  • Warrant Officer
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant

Senior Enlisted

  • Corporal
  • Lance Corporal
  • Private
  • Recruit
Regiment Information


  • Education & Training Services [ETS]
    The Education & Training Services (ETS) are the regiment in charge of the development of new recruits. They are the most important regiment within the British Army as without them there would not be any soldiers.
  • Royal Military Police [RMP]
    The main role of the Royal Military Police (RMP) are the law enforcement duties within the army and to ensure that all personnel are following the British Army rules and regulations.
  • Mercian Regiment [RMP]
    The Mercian Regiment is a light-infantry unit, very similar to the Rifles Regiment but it is more of a specialized regiment.
  • Parachute Regiment [PARAS]
    The Parachute Regiment (PARAS) leads from the front as airborne Infantry. Of the four battalions, one is permanently at High Readiness for world wide intervention operations. 1 PARA is in role as the Special Forces Support Group.
  • Army Air Corps [AAC]
    The Army Air Corps (AAC) is the combat aviation arm of the British Army. Recognisable by their distinctive blue berets, AAC soldiers deliver firepower from battlefield helicopters and fixed wing aircraft to overwhelm and defeat enemy forces.
  • United Kingdom Special Forces [UKSF]
    UKSF comprising of SAS and SRR is tasked to the highest level and can operate in difficult and often changing circumstances, sometimes in absence of guidance and within situations that have significant operational and strategic importance.
  • Grenadier Guards [GG]
    The Grenadier Guards is one of the oldest and most iconic regiments in the British Army. Whether they are fighting on the front line or guarding a Royal Palace, members of the Regiment are renowned for their determination, loyalty and grit.
Rules / Code of Conduct


  1. No spamming.
  2. Don’t post Discord Links or DM people and advertise their Group/Discord/Site.
  3. Please obey the rules and be mature in on-duty
  4. Don’t talk in #announcements or #information
  5. Don’t troll.
  6. Don’t be racist.
  7. Don’t IP Log people.
  8. Do not ask for roles.
  9. Please be respectful to other members.
  10. No NSFW
  11. All rules apply to DMs to people within the server. DM me any violations with screenshots.
  12. Removing any message from this channel with the purpose of making a rule/rules void is strictly prohibited and will result in serious disciplinary action whomsoever it might be.
  13. Don’t clash old rules with new ones. Clashing rules will be discussed about if possible and be struck down as and when needed or deemed fit.
  14. Don’t unethically chat or add reactions in announcements
  15. There are some rules in on-duty and maybe other channels so follow them.
  16. Violation of any rules attracts serious consequences including but not limited to kick, ban etc.
  17. Don’t Admin Abuse, abuse of admin will result in immediate removal REPORT THEM IF YOU HAVE PROOF!
  18. No swearing in #main-comms
  19. Asking for ranks is strictly prohibited.