British Army Looking for Builders [Open]


Development Team
@FlipGalaxy- Terrain Architect/ Treasurer

About The Job

We are looking to recreate some of the British Army’s Garrison and military installations. To name a few: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Catterick Garrison, Aldershot Garrison. We need a high-quality builder to assists us in building some of the more complex parts of these.

Example of our game's build style

Sandhurst old college building

We’re aiming to keep as realistic as possible so lo-poly/mid-poly devs sorry.


Each building will be planned with a predefined price. Our preferred payment method is Group funds, however other methods may work. Currently, we aren’t able to pay via Paypal.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: FlipGalaxy#3148
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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