idk what happened but my output said 15:23:02.148 Values is not a valid member of PlayerGui "Players.Dan_Ronity.PlayerGui" - Client - Phase1-2:5
weirdly, this is my StarterGui pic
and this is Phase1-2 code:
local Phase1 = Map1["Phase 1"]
local Pinetrees = Phase1["Pine trees"]
local phasechange = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values["Phase change"]
if phasechange.Value == true then
Pinetrees:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Pinetrees:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() * (0,-10,0) )
if phasechange.Value == false then
Pinetrees:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Pinetrees:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() * (0,10,0) )
Help me lmao. the error is from local phasechange ...
You shud avoid placing localscripts in startergui and instead place them in starterplayerscripts. It might also be due to the fact thr folder isn’t inside a screengui.
Iam a somewhat experienced scripter, who organizes according to a framework I had created, so I usually put all of the localscripts [Module scripts to be exact, but they function like a client sided script] inside StarterPlayerScripts.
Even if I wasn’t using a framework, I wouldn’t put them inside StarterGui, since most of the more experienced scripters I had come to know use the afore mentioned method.
yea, the old code works. but then this doesnt work, i put this into StarterPlayerScript, then change the code local things
(sorry im bad at English)
but still not work, idk why
hm, i checked ig (idk if i check it right), ofc it still not work, any solution ?
what if i change name into something else, or this is just a weird roblox studio bug lmao