Broken Castle Build Feedback


im new to devforum :slight_smile:


Welcome, @MightBeRen!

It is a very nice-looking castle. I feel like the color is a bit bland, as it seems to be made up of only a single color.

Also, repeating what @PhanethDavid said: typically when someone showcases their work on the forum, they take at least a few screenshots of both the exterior and the interior, to get a more comprehensive view of your work.

Besides that, though, you done did good. Nice work. :+1:


ill get more screenshots later :slight_smile:

I also forgot to say it’s a broken castle . should I add more colors?

It would be nice to see more wear and tear especially on the towers. But I can’t really see clearly because of the distance. It would be nice to get closer. Other then that is looks great! Awesome job dude. Keep it up.


Thank you so much and thanks for the feedback :smiley:

I figured it was intended to be an abandoned castle of some sort. I would still recommend some color variation, even if the colors are very similar.


oh ok , thanks for your feedback I will surely add your idea to this build later. (sorry if my english is bad I don’t live in a english speaking country :L)

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The outside parts of the castle looks really nice.

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Judging from the one picture, you’ve done a pretty good job. I like it!

You should consider adding more angles of the build so both me and others who want to give you feedback can give a more detailed response!

Perhaps you should add some rocks sticking out around the water, and maybe some broken boats around those rocks, it can compliment the theme of the build overall.

As well as this, you should add some darker colours to the castle, to make some detail distinguishable, but not overly pop out.

Great work! :+1:

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Perhaps you could do some mossy bits around the walls(but don’t overdo it like I tend to…)

Not bad, you could add a few holes on the exterior of the castle to make it look abandoned and broken. I’d also suggest turning up your studio quality so every image you take doesn’t look pixelated. Overall this is decent.