Broken Developer products on iPhone iOS

After recently coming back to ROBLOX. ( :cheer: Yay :cheer:)

I decided I’d make a new game, --but, actually finish it-- so, I ended up creating what’s effectively flappy bird on ROBLOX.

I’ve added Developer products to buy “Revives” to allow you to continue without your score resetting, however, I’ve found the while playing on my iPhone 5 the option to buy “Revives” does not appear after I tap on the heart. (Everything works fine on my PC.)

iOS Screenie:

PC Screenie

Also, take note that the leaderboards on the iPhone have not displayed at all.

If you wish to try the game here is the link:


Better place for testing developer products.

Can you tell if it is the purchasing which is broken, or is it just that you are not getting a click event?

It just doesn’t prompt the user to confirm the payment, it does nothing when tapped.
However, the other buttons which work using the same mechanics work correctly when tapped.

(Sorry for the late reply, having internet problems.)

Edit: Just so you know, it all works correctly on the PC.

As a side note, just tested the developer products on the following place:

The clicks/tapps work correctly across both platforms, however on my iOS device they seem to fail upon:

Where the buy interface fails to appear.

Okay, since I’ve had no further feedback on this I’ve recorded a video of the glitch:


I’ve had this happen, but I honestly thought that it was a feature due to the iPhone’s small screen size vs the prompt’s size.

I wondered this too, it would be handy if they gave me some feedback on the matter though.

the problem is your iphone

There’s nothing wrong with his iPhone, it’s running ROBLOX fine, is it not?

The problem must lie with ROBLOX’s implementation of their mobile client.

Whether it’s not implemented due to the screen size of the iPhone, or whether it’s a bug are two different things.

An official response on the matter would be nice, though, as developer products are important and I’d expect support for them across all devices that are capable of running ROBLOX.

External Media


There are too many factors going into your game for you to make the conclusion that it’s an iOS problem.

It helps to create a place that contains the bare necessities needed to reproduce the bug. For example, just make a server script in Backpack that calls PromptProductPurchase on the current player. This helps ensure that the problem is with that method, and has nothing to do with the mouseclick event or with some intricacy with the way your game is set up.

I already have done this, received the same result with a simple textbutton using messages as an output.

[quote] As a side note, just tested the developer products on the following place:

The clicks/tapps work correctly across both platforms, however on my iOS device they seem to fail upon:

Where the buy interface fails to appear. [/quote]

[quote] As a side note, just tested the developer products on the following place:

The clicks/tapps work correctly across both platforms, however on my iOS device they seem to fail upon:

Where the buy interface fails to appear. [/quote]
That’s a good repro example, I suggest editing the first post and adding it there.