Broken Disk Entertainment - Update Log

Broken Disk Entertainment’s Experiences update log

Hello, welcome to Broken Disk Entertainment’s experience update log. Changes to our group can be find here.


A Common Hangout Place

Status: Development Paused

Update Notes:

Fix Bugs

Rec Connect

Status: Development Paused

The Generic Booth Experience

Status: Supported


While playing The Generic Booth Experience, players are expected to follow these rules:

Click to View Rules

User Safety

You agree to conduct yourself in a respectful and appropriate manner while playing the game. You may not engage in any behavior that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Inappropriate Characters (“Avatars”)
  2. Exploiting (“Hacking”)
  3. Using booth(s) and or Sign(s) to “By-pass” Roblox’s chat filter, and or using inappropriate images
  4. Promoting any kind of political content
  5. Glorifying tragic events
    Content that you may use in this experience remains your sole responsibility.


We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to this experience at any time, with or without cause, and without prior notice.

Roblox’s Terms Of Use

All users must follow Roblox’s Terms Of Use while in this experience. Failure todo so may lead to your account being moderated from this experience,

Update Notes:

Version 0.06, Updated: 5/2/24
Latest Fix Version: 0.06.1

  • Revamped Client-side (Again)
  • Revamped UI
  • Updated Reporting System
  • Italic Text is now available for booths
  • Changed font from Builder Sans to Montserrat
  • VR Support for avatars

Hot Fix for 0.06:

  • Fixed Night Mode Sounds
  • Fixed Mobile Run UI
  • Fixed Hide Booth Image Setting

Known Bugs:

  1. When “Hiding Open Booth Bounds” settings is enabled and the player joins the experience not all booth bounds hide.
Version 0.05

Updated: 4/18/24
Revamped Client Side
Brand New UI (Currently a Work-In-Progress)
Removed Feedback
Players can now report booths
Players can now Block Players from their booth
Revamped Map (Currently a Work-In-Progress)
Shifted from a Click to Claim to Proxy Prompt to Claim Booths

Version 0.04

Updated: 3/24/24
Major Client Changes
New Feedback UI
Update Moderation
New Notification UI

Version 0.03

Updated: 3/11/24
Changed client scripts.

Version 0.02

Updated Booth Image Finder. Players can now search images within the experience.

Version: 0.01

Experience Released on March 8, 2024 @ 3:30 PM CST