Broken explorer tab

I cant add some things like uicorner in frame, when i press on plus in explorer in frame i got that
but i need that

Have you udated Studio in the past couple of days?
If so maybe your Frequently Used section got cleared out. Maybe try using it a few times and adding the same item, then manually deleting it from the item in the Explorer window. See if your Frequently Used folder gets updated.

there was updating studio and after that frequenty used broke

But it’s probably like clearing the history of google (or whatever) on your computer. After you do that your recent searches (like your frequently used items in Studio) gets reset to 0.
Then you have to use it a bunch of times for Studio to recognize what items you’ve frequently used and rebuild the list.

no, studio make frequently used for things different, like for frame will be textbtn, textbox and etc, for workspace will be script, tool and etc, for replicatedstorage event, folder and etc. but now i have frequently used for workspace on all services

Just search for UICorner, or whatever you’re looking for. What is the problem?

there is not uicorner, all ui things just dissappeared

That’s bizarre. A workaround could be pasting this in the command bar with your frame selected:'UICorner', game.Selection:Get()[1])

…then adjusting the settings as needed in explorer.

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