Broken link from system bot for bump posts

I got a PM from system essentially telling me not to bump posts.

However, the link it contains is not accessible by new members:

Dead hyperlink is here

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It’s not broken, you just don’t have access.


It’s true that it isn’t broken, but this message isn’t particularly helpful. Being able to view the content that got flagged would be very helpful for new members of the forum who are still learning.

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If I don’t have access to the post explain the moderation action, then what exactly is the point?

It may not be a dead link, but for new members it may as well be.

Your post got moved to a thread which is essentially a trash bin. Full members don’t have access either.

I believe it’s the moving of the post that was done manually and created an inconvenience; normally if a spam post is moderated from flagging it doesn’t get moved and is accessible to edit. Correct me if I’m wrong but this is caused by a lead top contributor moving the post after it got flagged as well.

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Ahh, i thought it was a post that EXPLAINED off-topic/bump posts. In that case, the message is just confusing.

For clarification, neither do members/top contributors.

You’re only getting the link because nobody bothered to change the default Discourse message.

Off Topic category is for members only and that’s why you don’t have access to it

This topic is for Community Sages only.

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