Broken Mesh with bad Triangles

Hello! I’ve had another issue recently with meshes, When I export them into studio it appears they aren’t the same mesh as in blender, I don’t know if it’s a glitch because I’ve never experienced this before.

This is the mesh in blender.

This is the mesh in studio.


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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How many poly’s is it because it looks low?

The mesh that I currently have is under 5k tris but the mesh becomes deformed in studio.

I feel like its too low for a plane, try increase the poly’s.

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Why would I want to increase polys that I don’t need?

It looks abit deformed in blender too but I can’t zoom in to see if it is, it’s not letting me

Look at the engines of the aircraft, notice how they’re the most deformed.

Oh okay I see, did you try smoothen it?

I have tried everything I could and I tried smoothen it out.

Could you show me the Shading lines also Did you import the whole plane as one mesh?

Try triangulating the mesh before exporting it.


Blender is smarter with triangulating the mesh than studio is.


Go into Edit Mode, Select all the faces of your model by pressing “A” and then remove all double faces by pressing “W” and clicking “Remove Doubles”.

Is this the problem that’s happening to you?

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I would guess it would be a problem with either duplicate-faces, in which selecting the whole mesh in Blender and hitting “Remove Doubles” would fix it, or the normals could be messed up, in which case selecting the whole mesh in Blender and hitting Ctrl-N should fix it.

The triangulate modifier didn’t work, but this does! Thanks A LOT!