November 1, 2020, 4:22pm
I’d like to know your opinion on how breaking objects (trees, rocks, etc…) should affect your gameplay in a “survival” open world game:
1.The objects should disappear forever, the player won’t see the object when logging back in.
2.The objects will/can be visible when logging back in.
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If you’d take the time to reply I’d be grateful for you to also give me your opinion on this mechanic for missions/campaigns
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November 1, 2020, 4:28pm
Uh, break something?
I guess you should be able to fix it or something.
What do you mean by breaking objects? Are you talking about buildings that the player built, or natural objects?
November 1, 2020, 4:30pm
@Aeventy sorry for brief explanation, I meant breaking trees, rocks or other resources that give you in game currency
Well, in this case, I don’t see why you would ever need to remember these items. If a player truly valued the item given, then they would have picked it up instead of logging off. So, no, don’t bother saving the item.