Alright so small issue.
I’m a small group owner of 800 members.
I’ve had pretty good amounts of sales on most of my recent shirts, but suddenly I’ve noticed one of my shirts got accepted but still displayed as content deleted.
I got zero warns or ban notes on my shirts and the template was uploaded without an issue, the shirts worked in game, players could see them, but the thumbnail still displayed as content deleted.
I’ve uploaded more and they have the same issue, this has caused my shirts to drop in sales due to my members thinking my shirts are just getting declined.
I’m losing group members due to inactive uploading, yet I don’t have a way of uploading any new content and making it visible.
My problem is my members don’t honestly know what they’re buying and see no reason to buy it.
Apologise if this is the wrong topic to list this as but I don’t really see another to use.