Broken sizing and positioning of Profile Page UI


The UI of profiles on Roblox are oddly stretched/sized. Avatar items are big on the page/app, the friends, following, and followers are on different lines instead of being beside each other. The Roblox Badges and Badges section are also messed up with too big of sizing.

Image of Issue:

This issue is happening on the Full Profile when using Mobile and the Profile when using the Roblox Website.

Systen Info:

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 7.49.37 PM

Expected behavior

The UI on the Profile page be correctly sized to show Badges, avatar items, etc. as it did before sometime today. I noticed the issue around 7:40pm EST.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Thanks for reporting this. We’ve rolled out a fix.

Can you try closing and reopening your browser?

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The issue is fixed on the website and application. Thanks!