[Broken :(] Studs Calculator

Im having trouble finding it on my plugins tab. It says it’s installed, but there is no access point in the plugins tab. Any help?

Upon Further investigation, i see an error that says:

cloud_2485441527.StudCalculator:10: attempt to call a nil value

Dunno what to do about it? It might be an error with the plugin itself. :confused:

Do you have any thoughts?

I think this is sadly due to the deprecation of the Roblox UI Library that this plugin relied on, I don’t have the time to re-make this, sorry, maybe in future.


This measurement is inaccurate and misleading. Please use the actual game calculation used by ROBLOX engineers, instead of an obsolete blog.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but it’s annoying seeing this everywhere when you want to search on Google. (even though Google is obviously flawed in this sense of help)


Here is the proper conversion that you can find in ROBLOX Studio ‘Game Settings’ and if you do the math:

  • 1 Stud = ~3.571 Meters
  • 1 Meter = 0.28 Studs
  • 1 Mile = 5747.644 Studs

EDIT: My apologies, I just realized that this was no longer used.

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Not bad! Keep up the good work!

Why it doesn’t show in my plugins?

I think it would be nice to host this on a website if that’s ok bro nice plugin