Broken Thumbnails for Purchased Bundles "John", "Oakley", and "Casey" on Avatar Page

Issue Description

After purchasing the bundles “John”, “Oakley”, and “Casey”, their thumbnails appear broken on the Avatar page under Characters → Purchased. Specifically, the left legs of the characters are not filled with their respective classic pants, making the thumbnails appear incomplete or glitched.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Purchase the bundles “John”, “Oakley”, and “Casey” from the Marketplace.
  2. Navigate to the Avatar page on the Roblox website.
  3. Go to Characters → Purchased.
  4. Observe the thumbnails for the purchased bundles.
  5. Notice that the left legs of the characters are missing their classic pants, making the thumbnails appear broken.

Expected Behavior

The thumbnails for the purchased bundles should display correctly, with the left legs filled in with their respective classic pants, matching the bundles’ intended design.

Visual Aids:


Direct Links:


I clicked each link here and the thumbnails show up with all clothing correctly displayed so this seems to only appear on the Purchased screen. We’ll dig deeper.


They show correctly when going through the Marketplace. However, after purchasing and seeing in the Avatar page, it is different

(Image was taken from Avatar → Characters → Purchased)

Hopefully, this could clarify you + this can be fixed soon! :pray:


Able to reproduce easily

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Thanks for the report. A fix for this was made today but the thumbnails were cached and did not get updated. We’ve fixed the affected thumbnails manually for now. We’ll work on a more systemic fix to ensure thumbnails update in realtime when a backend fix is made to a bundle.


Note: Your browser’s cache will need to be cleared for the updated thumbnails to show up.


I have cleared my browser’s cache and, now, I see the new thumbnails:

Thank you for fixing this, @pbloxi! I hope this system of updating the thumbnails in real-time can come out soon… Should we expect a topic in #updates:announcements about this when it comes out? (Curious question.)

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