Browser Extension that calculates your robux balance worth (2.0 Update)

okay thanks, ill always keep the github code up to date so you know what im doing exactly

I realised with the new update all the settings are off by default, this will be fixed in the next update. For now, if you cant figure out how to enable them follow this

A quick review of the upcoming update! Making a few tweaks then uploading it! might take a couple days to be accepted

Update release!

  • More supported currencies
  • Settings for displaying robux worth in different formats
  • Compatibility with group funds
  • More or less instantly shows robux worth!

Works for groups and only for groups on my end. Correctly translates group funds but not player funds. Multiple reinstalls and page refreshes causes no difference, did you break it?

if you go to chrome://extensions/ does it say theres an error or something under robux worth counter? (I dont know if this is only in the dev mode or not so maybe enable that and try). can you screen shot and send the settings for it?
it works fine for me currently
EDIT: also does the calculator part work?

Wait nevermind! I know why its not working!!! Its because it gets your robux amount from what is displayed, in your case its 188K which is not a number. I will get started on trying to fix this right away!
EDIT: sadly there will be a few day delay before its released one i upload it because it will take ages to be reviewed

For larger numbers you could make a GET request to Roblox’s API with the browser’s local cookies to, since it’s JSON you just call the “robux” value.image

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Ok thanks, I’ll use this then.

I forgot to mention that I have fixed a bug that happens when your displayed robux has a letter (K or M) in it causing it to display as NaN

Updated to 1.2.2!
This update for the extension adds a button that takes away 30% in the calculator so you know how much you gain when someone purchases a gamepass etc

Im running out of ideas. Would appreciate any feedback or ideas!

Why do I need of all things a browser extension? If I’m gonna be using this occasionally, I’d also like to see a standalone website for that (obviously, you’d have to input the amount of robux you’re querying yourself).

did you look at all the features? it also auto calculates and displays it in your robux amount so you dont have to do that… Half the reason I made this as well is because I wanted this but couldnt find one that worked. It just makes everything much easier and faster. you dont have to use it

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I recently made a logo for a stock group I wanted to make, but cancelled. Would you be willing to use it for this extension? I have no other use for it.

can you show me what it looks like? message me

Looks really sick, keep it up!

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I have yet to look at all the features. I’d consider it quite a useful idea for people who trade often.

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I forgot to mention that I have fixed a bug that happens when your displayed robux has a letter (K or M) in it causing it to display as NaN



Screenshot 2020-11-18 at 11.12.33 AM

Looks like he just added that part. ; )

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oops, so sorry. I know whats wrong. Ill get started right away