I would like to introduce to you Roblox DevEx Calculator. A chrome extension that automatically calculates how much your robux is worth!
Quick easy way to find out how much money your current robux balance is worth!
Uses the current exchange rate! (0.0035 USD per robux)
Quick and easy to setup! Just click the icon and select a currency!
Built in calculator to calculate the worth of any amount of robux!
Supports a bunch of different currencies.
Also works on gamepasses and clothing items!
Live currency rates!
Settings for displaying robux worth in different formats!
Compatibility with group funds!
Source Code
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/roblox-devex-counter/jfpoennlpiaeplmoahaacgnknnllninp?hl=en
Firefox: Soon
Feedback and ideas are appreciated!
October 5, 2020, 6:58am
This is so cool! But is there a way you can turn it off without having to do it from settings?
from chrome extension settings? If thats what you mean in the new version yes, its currently under review in the chrome store
October 5, 2020, 7:03am
Yep that’s what i meant. I’m excited for more features for the future and will definitely mention it to my friends!
October 5, 2020, 3:28pm
Are you able to link maybe a github of the source code?
October 5, 2020, 3:36pm
Very nice extension! No bugs that ive noticed
Works very well, I like this very much - also lets me flex a bit more phahaha
ill make one very soon, ill quickly comment some code to make it easier to read
glad to hear it works :). big flex
currently thats all it is, there is much more coming soon, its under review in the chrome store. should be out today and im making a github repository now
May I please see the code???
I just made the repository, sorry if its weird, i havent used github much before (this is the upcoming version)
the chrome store finally reviewed the extension update and has been released!
EDIT: forgot to link it Robux Worth Counter - Chrome Web Store
Is the extension compatible with group funds as well?
currently no, In the next update I will add this
In the mean time you can use the calculator part if you would like
btw guys this was the update features
Quick and easy to setup! Just click the icon and select a currency!
Built in calculator to calculate the worth of any amount of robux!
Supports 8 currencies(more coming in the future)!
Also works on gamepasses and clothing items!
Live currency rates!
October 7, 2020, 2:59am
The only issue I have with plugins like these is how they could be exploited to steal a player’s cookies and possibly their account.
How could they be exploited? Is there a way to stop this? I use local storage for data saving
October 7, 2020, 4:49am
I meant by the creator. They could put code in these that steal a player’s cookies and in turn, their robux or their account. Here’s a random article I found online that explains
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