Brulee Bakery Public Handbook
Hello! Welcome to the Kanola Bakery Handbook! Made to guide members of Kanola Bakery throughout their time with us! Let’s get into it.
Training Times
Weekdays (Not Friday):
7:30pm CST// 4:00pm EST
6:00pm CST// 9:00pm EST
Weekends (Friday,saturday,sunday):
7:00pm CST// 9:00pm EST
5:00pm CST
Alliance Information
In order to ally with us you must meet the following requirements:
- You must have a group with atleast 40 nonbotted members
- You must have atleast 1 person to represent your group
- You must have a group based off of an appropriate theme. (Such as cafes, diners, hotels, etc) We are not allying with military groups
- You must have a good reputation
- You must have an active group
If you meet all of theese requirements, you may send us an ally.