Brushtool 2.0 Plugin: Clone and place models onto your map with ease

I’m having the same problem. Rename model name or reinstall still cause error. Please fix this problem!

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I’ll look into these problems.


Hey I figured it out. I just gave up looking here. I thought it was dead. The objects you copy have to be floating. If touching the ground it Fs up lol…

this tool is busted, was working alright yesterday. ran into an error that I think cause I added to many items to brush it wouldn’t let me remove/paint, pretty much every button was frozen and had to restart application.

now I reset it twice and its still just showing

this is 2.0 since it has stamp/erase tool. didn’t you post about how you were inspired to make this from someone else? can I please get their version, this one has to many errors.

Hey, it would help if I can get a solid repro for the bug! I tried debugging this a while ago and no luck. I was able to start it just fine on a new baseplate. Even messed around with it for a bit.

Would also appreciate it if you toned down the rudeness, you’re more likely to get help that way :slightly_smiling_face: .

Anyway, the inspiration was Model Brush - Roblox , which is not for sale anymore.


Thanks so much for this resource. It’s been extremely useful for building parts of my game, and it’s genuinely an excellent plugin!

Do you think it’d be possible to add stamp placement settings to set X/Z offsets too, and possibly allow it to snap to a grid (even if it only utilises plugin.GridSize)? I’d find this very helpful for adding things like bricks to walls (low poly aesthetic), as currently it’s very tedious and takes a lot of time to do it by hand, and would speed up the building process if I could simply stamp the bricks onto the wall.

The bricks themselves are 1 stud thick, but embedded into the wall so that only 0.2 studs are visible. They’re also placed on a 0.2 stud grid, rather than placed freely like the stamp tool currently allows for.

Obviously it’s no big issue if no X/Z offset option was implemented, as I can simply use a 0.2 stud thick part; but I’d like to see grid alignment added to make it super easy for lining up objects before stamping them.

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I’ll be honest, I don’t plan on adding any new features to this plugin because I’m busy with other stuff. I’ll only ever touch this plugin if something breaks.


Can I know why does this plugin needs permission for script injection?

You’re probably using the wrong plugin. Make sure you’re using the one linked in OP!

(Even then, I might be mistaken. I don’t know how Roblox detects whether or not a plugin injects scripts.)

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Is it possible to create trees using this plugin that is rotated globally (not relative to the surface it is brushed on)? Here is a demonstration of my problem:

I want the trees to be rotated upwards while maintaining the random rotation. Can this be done with brushtool?

Have you tried changing the orientation to Up?


Great plugin! Having an issue with it that I’ve been encountering a fair bit.
I’ll place down multiple objects but parts of it or the whole thing will duplicate in line with the original selected object and not go to the cursor?
Here’s what I’m talking about.
Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 20.52.46
(Big clump on the left is where I’ve placed them and the tree itself are all in a line on the left)

How can I scale objects to be larger than 10 with this? And also how can I make the radius and spacing larger than 100 and 50

Have any plans to add a “Rotate” function on this plugin? I use it mostly with the stamped section to save and load assets when I’m building maps or models.

There should already be a way to rotate stamped stuff in the plugin. Check the rotation dropdown?


That works too, at the time I wrote the question I was thinking of being able to rotate the model 90 degrees counterclockwise similar using the shortcut key “R” similar to how the roblox engine does when building.

Being able to rotate the models before putting them down could be a huge time saver. Similar to holding a part and rotating it using the shortcut key: R.

is there a way to transfer my brushes to another game/place? cus every time i build in another place i end up setting up my models for along time

You can just copy-paste the BrushTool folder in ServerStorage before starting up the plugin.

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This plugin is super useful and has saved me hours of work however I do wonder/wish if there was a way to increase the limits of the max brush radius, distance and offset of the Y axis and some other things, I work with larger models and it means there has to be a lot of manual cleanup afterwards cause of these capped values.

Thank you for the plugin anyways :slight_smile:

This is by far the cleanest, most useful plugin I have ever used. Great job! This should be added to Studio as a core tool. The only thing that’s missing is saving brush selections for presets. I’ll try add the feature, but Rodux/Roact is really confusing to me right now.

Thanks a lot for the fantastic plugin!