BS | Public Relations Resources - Alliance Reviewing Guide

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:shopping: BS | PRR - Alliance Reviewing Guide

When you start reviewing an Alliance Document sent by another group, you will need to start discussing with the Public Relations Team whether to accept or reject it. Nevertheless, you must first carefully read the document before engaging in the discussion.

Once you start reading, make sure to open a new tab in your notes app, as it will be essential to note down the key positive aspects they mention in their document. Make sure to constantly associate these aspects with their responses, to confirm the legitimacy & genuineness of what they are saying.

As well as the positive aspects that can be found in the document, you will need to take note of what could be more elaborated, and what things need to be deeply reviewed. This last aspect should be discussed with the Partnership Team once you are done reading.

Every team member should have finished reading & noting by the time discussion starts. You and each member of the Public Relations Team are expected to list their observations, as well as ask any questions that you found while reading. Make sure to cooperatively evaluate the document based on what Bloxer’s finds adequate for an alliance to have. This is listed in the Alliance Guide. You must always include your reasoning when mentioning why you agree/disagree with the possible affiliation.

Once everyone is done discussing, a final decision will be made. Whether or not the team agrees to accept the affiliation request, the document will be sent to the Senior Corporate Office, in order to approve the final decision. If it is approved, the Partnership Manager will send the acceptance/rejection letter to the listed contact(s) in the document; if not, it must be re-evaluated. Be mindful that the Senior Corporate Office always has the final say in this.

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