I have been searching for something to be able to import .bsp files into Roblox, such as Half-Life goldsrc maps but I have no luck on finding how to
I have tried converting a .bsp file into a .vmf file with BSPSource so a map can be imported into Roblox by using @MaximumADHD’s VMF Importer plugin but BSPSource doesn’t support goldsource maps
I’m not sure how .bsp files work, but you could try converting it into a .obj or even a .fbx instead and just import it as a 3d model, instead of trying to import it into a Roblox format
Converts the maps 1:1 with textures, models(?) and lighting
It doesn’t work with all games however
There is no pre-built binaries (aka, no exe you can just run) but I could try building it myself for you if you need to, tho the instructions shouldn’t be too hard to follow
Custom models and textures can be loaded in the maps, but you have to drag the materials and models folders from the maps into the main directory of the game you’re importing a map from.
This is the problem, Source2Roblox doesn’t support .bsp files. I have tried converting .bsp files into .vmf so they can be imported using said plugin with BSPSource but it doesn’t support goldsource versions
nvm lol i didnt read the desc
Well I have no idea on how to install this, a video tutorial could be helpful