Bubble chat enabler?

I was reading through an old script for a game I’m working on, and all it was called is “BubbleChatEnabler”. The script looks as so:

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")

ChatService:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
	return {BubbleChatEnabled = true}

My hypothesis is this was before there was a property under the Chat service called “BubbleChatEnabled” and this was to enable it back then? Not really sure, anyone got a clue if this is useful or if I’m spot on about it just being a workaround.

RegisterChatCallback states that the function listening to OnCreatingChatWindow must return a table of settings. In this case it is returning that BubbleChat must be enabled.
It’s not useful anymore considering enabling bubble chat is now only one property away

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Please don’t post question topics in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. This category is for script support, not support with questions.

Doesn’t #help-and-feedback:scripting-support entail questions?
How does this work?
What does this service do?
What does this script do? – this post

Genuinely asking because if so it seems I’ve been posting in the wrong section but never been moderated

This is the correct category unless #help-and-feedback:code-review is supposed to be the one for questions?