Bubble Chat Not Working

Seems to be the solution for me too, thanks dude.

Is it only with the bubble chat or along with the default chat?

The games I run are for all kinds of chat, bubble, classic, both.

Not my game but this game is a entire universe and several places on this universe also don’t have working chat

All my games have bubble chat only and all are having the same issue. Quite annoying, but hopefully it’ll get fixed soon.

It seems one of our recent changes unexpectedly made the bubble chat only state not work correctly. For temporary fix to keep your games running, we would suggest doing the following:

  • run your place in studio
  • copy the ClientChatModule under ChatService
  • stop running and paste it to ChatService
  • open the ChatSettings under ClientChatModules
  • manually set the BubbleChatEnabled to true

However, if you are using this temporary solution just to fix the bubbleChat Only places, we would highly suggest you switch to the new api under ChatService’s new BubbleChatEnabled when we official release it and delete this forked folder of client chat module. This would help us deliver better in-game support to you in the future. Your understanding is well-appreciated!


I can confirm my game no longer has bubble chat


Could you try the method post above?

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My game was not working with bubble chat but this temporary solution fixed it. It would be nice to have an announcement somewhere letting me know when I can deleted the forked version of the ClientChatModule.

Sure. Thanks for your cooperation. :slight_smile:

We did this at our places that had the issue. This resolved the problem. Thank you.

My games are broken too.

we are working on a patch that will go live today to fix this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. Will post again when the fix is live


Just did and it worked

We are rolling out a patch for this issue, which might take up to one day to be effective everywhere. Thanks again for your patience and cooperation.


We were unfortunately unable to deploy our patch today and will have to try again next week. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please use one of the other workarounds for the time being.


The chat is now loading the Chat Bar but I am unable to type into it. I can click the box and type but I cannot enter messages. This is the error:


are you still experiencing this issue? Have you forked chat by copying any of the scripts into your game? Is there a place link I can try this at?

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The only fork I’ve made to the scripts is ChatSettings to re-enable bubble chat.

Here’s the game from the screenshot:

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I published another place over that one and changed the map back and it seemed to fix the issue. I’m not exactly sure what happened… but it’s fixed now.

Edit: It turns out publishing had nothing to do with it. The builder used a free model palm tree with a backdoor :man_facepalming: