Bubble Chat Not Working

Hello, my Bubble Chat isn’t working in my game despite it being enabled in settings. It works in other games, but not this specific gmae.


Are you using the new TextChatService or the classic chat?

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Classic chat, it works in all other places.

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This is enabled, correct? Chat | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


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Have you tried testing it in-game?

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Yes I have.

BubbleChatConfiguration only works with the new TextChatService.

I believe you have to specifically enable bubble chat in a module with the classic chat? I’ll do a bit more research.

Take a look at this.

Edit: Keep in mind that the Chat service is different than the TextChatService. You can find it at the bottom of the Explorer I believe.

I’ve got games where Bubble chat works without the new TextChatService enabled. Weridly, it doesn’t work for this game.

I’ve further found out that BubbleChat is disabled automatically once I start the game in the Chat service for some reason. This doesn’t happen in any of my other games. Still cannot find a way to make it enabled all the time.

You can search through every script in the game by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F, and then type “Chat.BubbleChatEnabled” in and see if any script in your game is disabling the bubble chat.

Nothing there.

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I miss when you only needed to enable it on the website