Bubble Chat Radio tool not working

Working on attempting to make it so when you hold a tool all bubble chats show up on it. It works until I pick it up.

local cservice = game:GetService(“Chat”)
local Part = script.Parent
local tool = script.Parent.Parent
cservice:Chat(Part, Chat, Enum.ChatColor.White)

It also sends my messages twice when holding it. Odd

Weld a part to the handle and make that part send messages, I assume that because you are holding the tool it makes the messages appear over your head

Thanks worked amazingly. Will probally have to add a code to remove the part once the tool is unequipted since the part will just fall.
Thanks for your help

Put the part in the tool and not workspace

When I do that, the messages just appear twice on my head again


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If that’s the case then move the part to workspace when equipped and then move it somewhere where it’s physics is disabled like replicated storage when unequipped. then when equipped move it to workspace and position it to the handle via CFrame and weld them together

The main issue im having with that is how I will accomplish multiple Radios for if there are more players ingame. I attempted something similar to what you suggested and the part for chatting would keep getting swapped and removed inbetween the 2 tools and not working

Save the part as a value, so you use that value ChatPart.

ChatPart = script.Parent.Parent:WaitforChild("Chat") or Instance.new("Part", nil)
ChatPart.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
ChatPart.Parent = workspace

This helped a lot. Thank you so much!

If it can’t find chatpart make a new one

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