Bubble Gum Simulator Christmas Update

:snowman: New Christmas World

Christmas has come to Bubble Gum Simulator! Travel through the portal in the overworld to explore the brand new, limited-time Christmas world, in the game’s biggest update ever!

:bell: New Currency: Bells

Collect Bells in the new Christmas world to open new eggs and take part in other challenges and activities here for the holiday season. Players can also purchase the 2x Bells pass and stock up on 2x Bells boosts to collect even more new currency. Keep an eye out for a 2x Bells event at some point this month too.

:dog: 50 new Pets and 3 new Eggs

Discover loads of new pets now available in the Christmas world! Follow the signs to discover the Gingerbread Egg, Blizzard Egg, and Holly Egg.

There is also a special egg (Frostbite Egg), found beside the Christmas rewards area, that can be purchased with Robux. The pet from this egg is guaranteed to hatch in a Mythic variant every ten hatches. As well as that, there is an additional 10% chance to hatch the Mythic variant every time.

:gift_heart: Present Delivery

Help Santa out by delivering presents to the residents of Bubble Gum Simulator! Visit the town square in the new world and walk up to the houses to deliver gifts and earn special rewards, including extra Bells and limited-time boosts to help you out.

:gift: Gift Rain

Every three hours, free gifts will rain from the sky in the event world! Collect these gifts to earn boosts and potions to add to your collection. If you’re a generous player, you can even pay to make it rain for everyone in the server without having to wait.

:santa: Save Christmas

Santa has crash landed in Bubble Gum Simulator and needs your help! If you think you have what it takes to help him in this difficult quest, talk to him to find out more about how you can help save Christmas. I hear Santa has some very special rewards for anyone who can help him.

:date: Advent Calendar

Log in and visit the new Christmas world to collect a free gift every day from December 5 up to (and including) Christmas day! These special rewards will only be available during this time, so make sure to collect them.

:snowflake: Event Shop

No Bubble Gum Simulator event would be complete without a special event shop! You can purchase limited-stock items here using your hard-earned Bells, including boosts, pets, and an exclusive title!

:trophy: Christmas Rewards

This one is for the grinders out there! Spend your Bells here to unlock a selection of new rewards across 150 different slots, including exclusive limited-time pets.

:muscle: New Badges

Unlock two new badges in the new world: Social Butterfly and LET THE BRUH SLEEP. You might need some serious determination to earn both of these!

Other Changes

:alien: Brewing System

The golden door is open! Visit the Shadow Realm to learn the mysterious art of brewing potions from your old friend, Omacka Murato. Potions require certain ingredients to begin brewing, and take fixed amounts of time. You can brew two potions at once, or three if you purchase a third brewing slot. VIP gamepass owners will also brew potions 25% faster.

:test_tube: New Potions

Four new potions are now available with the release of brewing! The first new potion is Max Shadow, which can be used on an enchant-40 or over pet to bring it straight to enchantment level 50.

The other three are: Potion of Bubbles, Potion of Money, and Potion of Worlds. These give permanent 15% stat bonuses to the pet they are applied to. A pet must be enchantment level 50 for one of these potions to be applied to it. Note that only one potion can be applied to the same pet at once - if you apply one to a pet that already has a potion applied it will override it.

For the players that just can’t get enough potions, there is also a new +200 Potion Slots gamepass available. You can find this in the in-game Shop with the other gamepasses, or by clicking the plus sign in the top left of your Potions inventory.

:shield: Season 16

A new Bubble Pass season is here! Complete challenges to earn rewards, including unique pets and even some of the special new potions. Competitive leaderboards are also back this season - battle it out to be in the top group of players and earn rare pets and bragging rights.

The issue from season 14 where bubbles would not count towards your total score for some people has been resolved. This also resolves a related issue with the weekly bubble leaderboards.

We hope you enjoy the update!