Bubblechat too high up

Hello everyone,

Long time no see, hope y’all doing good!

So, I got a problem with bubble chat because it’s like… way too high for some reason. It worked fine before but after I came back, the bubble chat was super high for some reason.


(for context I said ‘aaa’)

Any help please? This is the script that modifies the bubble chat:

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local nameColors = {
	Color3.fromRGB(168, 183, 230),
	Color3.fromRGB(133, 211, 230),
	Color3.fromRGB(173, 230, 156),
	Color3.fromRGB(230, 203, 133),
	Color3.fromRGB(230, 185, 145),

TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage = function(textChatMessage: TextChatMessage)
	local properties = Instance.new("TextChatMessageProperties")

	local textSource = textChatMessage.TextSource
	if textSource then
		local index: number = (textSource.UserId % #nameColors) + 1
		local randomColor: Color3 = nameColors[index]
		properties.PrefixText = string.format("<font color='#%s'>%s</font>", randomColor:ToHex(), textChatMessage.PrefixText)

	return properties

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
ChatService.BubbleChatEnabled = true

local bubbleChatSettings = {
	TailVisible = true,
	Transparency = 0.1,
	CornerRadius = UDim.new(0,10),
	TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
	TextSize = 20,
	Font = Enum.Font.Ubuntu,
	BubbleDuration = 10,
	MaxBubbles = 3,
	MaxDistance = 150,
	BubblesSpacing = 3,
	BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(52, 59, 94),
	SizeAnimation = {
		SpringDampingRatio = 0.5
	UserSpecificSettings = {
		[Players.LocalPlayer.UserId] = {
			TextSize = 20,
			Font = Enum.Font.Ubuntu,
			TailVisible = false,
			BubbleDuration = 10,
			BubblesSpacing = 3,
			Transparency = 0.1,
			CornerRadius = UDim.new(0,10),
			TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(52, 59, 94),
			SizeAnimation = {
				SpringDampingRatio = 0.5
-- Apply the settings


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According to this post, check if you’ve welded anything to or put something inside the character


I’m not sure if it’s that. Since when you reset, it works perfectly fine (we just noticed) but if you never died in the experience, the bubble chat doesn’t work.