Chat bubble going up too high
I’m making a game where the length of your sword increases and whenever I equip a really long sword like this it makes my chat bubble go up really high
Does anyone know how I can fix it? I couldn’t find anything on the devforum


Ive saw this in a couple other games, but i unfortunately have 0 clue on how to fix it. Ive heard from a few others that its roblox’s issue, and that theres nothing you can do about it. Just try and work around it!

Simliar to @motionmancoop’s response. I believe its just a roblox issue. Maybe report it in #bug-reports

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I made a post on this a while ago. The reason the bubbles move up really high is because you’re welding something to the character and that specific welded part is parented inside of your player’s character model. To fix this you can either not place the object into your character model, or place it inside of it’s own model before inserting it into the character. Hope this helps!

Also the reason it’s doing this is because since it’s inside of your character model it will move with the character’s box. If you insert a selection box into your model and make it’s adornee the character then you’ll see what I mean.