Bug extremely slows me down for past 8 years

For the past 8 years i’ve been unable to close local test servers resulting in an extreme slowdown in my workflow with testing.

The issue prevents me from closing old test servers using the cleanup button.

As a result i have to manually close each window if i dont want my computer to crash and dont want to have an extremely high electricity bill.

This is too hard to do and causes many windows to stay open at all times.

The only temporary fix is to restart studio but that gets rid of the undo history.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Press the start server button.
  2. Spam the cleanup button during the start up process.

If this were to be solved quickly it would massively improve my workflow as i debug a lot.

Expected behavior

The cleanup button and manually closing the windows to not break the cleanup button.

The cleanup button should stop the current startup process of loading a test server for a faster restart aswell.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I’ve managed to replicate the bug, so I doubt it’s an issue with your roblox installation.

I’ve managed to discover a workaround - If you go to either the Server window or one of the Client windows (so not the main studio window), the Cleanup buttons in these windows seems to work even when the main one is glitched