Bug help(TD Suphi)[Solved]

So im trying to follow a tutorial on TD by Suphi Kaner, and i cant find the error or problem in this script. im at 6:19:13 where he tests his progress and it works perfectly for him but not for me. The part of the module that errors is down below. But to keep it simple, it glitches when a pathwaypoint, the green blocks are in the range part and returns an empty table because it keeps removing at odd.

please help me im stuck

63-67 just prints out the result table not a cause of the problem

Have you read line by line to make sure your codes are identical?

Sometimes in videos people skip parts. But you can catch the skips by comparing you code.

Yeah i went line by line this is his code before he play tested it and it worked for him.

this one is mine

i dont really see a difference in the section where i get the bug where the waypointindices remove themselves.

That guy is amazing. I have followed along with some of his videos.

7 Hours? :grimacing:

I can only suggest you go back to the last time he tested (and you tested).

Start watching from there and pay attention to * vs + vs - vs =.

Those are the keys I usually mess up on.

idk if you need this but i reccomend gnomecode’s tds he has a really good tutorial with hundreds of fan made addons to make literally anything you want

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Yeah i finished the gnome code tutorial on a separate game, but i saw how much performance i was missing out on, but yes i will definitely re use the targeting and gui stuff.

Turns out it was a collision issue, i had it to precise convex, not hull like he showed in the video lol

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