Bug or my mistake?

So I made a small little game to use as a shortcut to my favorite games. Then I add buttons that will teleport me to the games… But it doesn’t work when I published it.
At first I tried it and it teleported me to the game, then I copied me script and just changed pasted it to the play buttons of the other games and also changed the place ID to the right game. But now that I did it to all of the games, I am not teleported, what is my mistake?

Script for each button:

local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
	TS:Teleport(placeID, game.Players.LocalPlayer) -- instead of placeID i put the ID in

I don’t think it’s an error in my script, because it worked the first time with the same script.

I put everything in a LocalScript. No errors.

Check to see if API Services are enabled? (Oh and Third-Party Teleports as well)

That doesn’t work either, I turned on API Services and it still keeps me in the game.

Could you try adding print statements or double check if the favorite places are still valid to your Teleport script?