Working on my classic-style 1978 Mercedes Benz W116 280 SE, I wanted to test the parts out in game, to experiment with different braking light colors, and their brightness.
This is what it looks like in studio:

After hopping in game, this is what I found:
The parts had completely vanished. Keep in mind that these are seperate meshparts, as seen here:
I used the Asset Importer to bulk import all of these. I also noticed that occlusion culling works fine on this model, as I can see the wheels disappear through the gap that is present when I am in game, and the lights are gone.
I am aware that this is the wrong category, however I have nowhere else to post these, seeing as roblox does not allow us to post bug reports, unless invited.
Considering the recent rollout of occlusion culling, I figured moving the parts outside of the rest of the chassis model might make it appear, however it seems these parts are perpetually transparent.
Could anyone have an idea as to why these parts disappear in game?
Note that the parts appear when using a tool such as “Dex” to view the workspace. They exist, it’s just that they’re stuck transparent for some reason.
Yes, they are anchored.
Yes, they are double sided.
UPDATE: The parts now have disappeared in studio too. This needs staff attention.
Hey there! I would look into the error panel (F9) and see if there are any errors regarding failures to load. Additionally, try another studio session (in a different place/game) and see if the meshes load there. If the meshes’ files have been yeeted, then obviously they won’t appear in-game or in studio.
Otherwise, move this topic to #bug-reports so that it can be adequately addressed by Roblox staff. This thread is not routinely monitored for bug reports.
Hope this helps, brother! Good luck.
Nothing in regards to the mesh.
And trust me, I would have posted this to bug reports in the first place, but I can’t because they restricted it to members, or regulars, or whatever rank it is
Thank you anyway, however
This happened to me once when I used blender. I “fixed” the issue by duplicating the missing parts on blender and deleting the extra invisible ones on studio.
However, have you checked if the normals are flipped/inversed on those specific parts? that could also be the main cause of your issue.
Hope this helps! 
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Hey man, thank you for the suggestions!
I haven’t tried your first fix yet, however, I know that my normals are not flipped or inversed, as I barely or should I say never do that anwyay.

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