Bug regarding Api access in studio

recently i made a plugin myself which accesses datastore for an easier management. yesterday it did work fine. due to this bug the whole plugin scrambled up. so what occurs?
i used a pcall to check if api access for studio is enabled. like so:

seems about normal right? however the Api access with studio is turned off as the place is published and the pcall still returns in the order of s,e “true, nil” as output. it does clearly show that my Api access to studio is turned off.

aside from the Api access bug it also came to my notice that the placeId of a newly created, unpublished place gets set to, as shown in the image, a whole differently placeId than it should (which is 0 from previous cases i’ve worked on the plugin) and basically giving false errors through out the output as it attempts to access the datastore for a check. this place is most surely a template of roblox.


due to the place Id getting set to something totally different the plugin notes it as “access denied for placeId: xxx” which is basically a false error since the unpublished place shouldn’t even have a different placeId than 0 unless its set like that which is quite confusing.

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