Bug Reports only about Roblox Website

When creating a bug report it automatically says that my bug report is about the Roblox Website. I am trying to make a bug report about Studio. Am I missing something?


I found a basic workaround by going to the bottom and clicking “back”. This allows me to select what the bug report is about. But I should NOT have to do this. It would also be nice to be able to continue writing my report if I change what the report is about, instead of having it not save and have to rewrite what I just entered.


Are you sure that you didn’t have a draft open? I’m unable to reproduce this

Hey as mentioned above this is because the third-party plugin we use for this form will cache all of your answers every time you advance pages, even if first page only has one button (bug category selection).

You likely advanced past the first page selecting “Roblox Website” at some point and then stopped writing the bug report. On the next visit, it would retain the first page answer.

We’re likely going to just turn off this saving in the near future, sorry for the inconvenience.

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