Bug that allows you to create a group for free

I have made quite a few groups on Roblox and occasionally I’ll get this error:

I would try and make the group again and it would say the name is taken, so when searching up my group name, I found my group.

This has happened around 3 times and up until now I did not realize that I had not been charged for it.

Browser: Brave (Chromium)
OS: Windows 10
Device: Desktop
Repro Steps: Create new group, hope that the error happens.


Thanks! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you on this issue.


What will happen to group that were created for free

UPDATE: You do not have enough Robux to create the group

using Microsoft Edge

there hasn’t been any current news about this, but recently this happened to me. No Robux has been subtracted from my account, but it says on My

Browser: Edge
OS: windows 11
Device: Desktop
Repro Steps: Create a new group, hope that the error happens.

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This has already been reported.

This report was older than that one :slight_smile:

Apologize, got the dates mixed up.

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