Bug with door opening

I have a very weird problem in my game. It’s quite rare so it would be hard to get a video of it sadly, but I’ll explain it to the best of my abilities. Basically, the game is a Doors style game, but sometimes when I open a door, it either slams shut then re-opens instantly, or slightly wiggles and then is instantly fully open. I rigged the door and used Moon Animator to animate the door opening, and then used the following script for the door opening (it’s bad I know)

local a

--local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local part = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.End
local random = Random.new(game.ReplicatedStorage.Seed.Value)
local previousRoom = game.ReplicatedStorage.PreviousRoom
local rooms

	if not script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Open.Value then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Open.Value = true else return end

	rooms = game.ReplicatedStorage.Rooms:GetChildren()
	table.sort(rooms, function(a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end)
	local room = rooms[math.random(1,#rooms)]
	while previousRoom.Value == room.Name do
		room = rooms[math.random(1,#rooms)]
	local roomClone = room:Clone()
	roomClone.Parent = workspace
	previousRoom.Value = room.Name

	a = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.AnimationController.Animator.DoorOpen)
		a = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.AnimationController.Animator.DoorOpened)
		a.Looped = true

You should be loading the animation at the top of the script once. Then, you call Play on the AnimationTrack instead of loading it multiple times.

Okay. I’ll try that. Would that fix the problem I’m describing too or no?