Bug with game chat filter in Russian language

I’ve encountered that in my game ordinary harmless words in Russian have become censored, why - I don’t know, apparently roblox update

My game is - Bobruisk RP [All Ages]

Video of the bug:

Using this video as an example, I spell out the word “Склад” - translates into English as “warehouse”, there is nothing terrible about this word, it should not be censored. But when I write this word already in English, everything is perfect.
Also, because of 1 word, the whole sentence can be censored

At the beginning of the video I write the word in Russian “Надо” which translates into English as “must.” (Or “Need”)
And it’s censored.

I think this is not the whole list of words that can be censored. But still, this was not the case before and the filter worked much better and more correctly.

Also in the video, if you put one of these words in a whole sentence, the whole sentence is censored.

I hope I have reported all the necessary data.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.