What do you want to achieve? Fixing the killstreak system I made for a game called “tool annihilation”.
What is the issue? People in the game mentioned above can’t really get a killstreak most of the time.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? No, but as far as I’m aware, I haven’t really seen any other killstreak script bug solutions like mine.
Extra: This occurs mainly within the players/dummies, not a separate script in ServerScriptService or Workspace.
The code of my Killstreak system (minus the ragdoll death and death sounds):
local char = script.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
char.Humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
local charWhoTagged = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value)
if charWhoTagged then
charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value += 1
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 10 then
game.ReplicatedStorage.chatmessage:FireAllClients(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value .. " has got a 10 killstreak! Defeat them before they demolish the server!", Enum.Font.BuilderSans, 18, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 132))
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 20 then
game.ReplicatedStorage.chatmessage:FireAllClients(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value .. " is on a roll with a 20 killstreak! Target them... NOW!", Enum.Font.BuilderSans, 18, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 132))
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 30 then
game.ReplicatedStorage.chatmessage:FireAllClients(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value .. " has achieved a 30 killstreak...??? Stop them before it's too late!", Enum.Font.BuilderSans, 18, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 132))
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 40 then
game.ReplicatedStorage.chatmessage:FireAllClients(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value .. " has amassed a 40 killstreak... Impressive. But still, kill them before they unleash instant chaos!", Enum.Font.BuilderSans, 18, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 132))
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 50 then
game.ReplicatedStorage.chatmessage:FireAllClients(char.Stats.TaggedByName.Value .. " is dominating the entire server with a 50 killstreak... STOP THEM NOW!!! DO SOMETHING!!! 😭😭😭", Enum.Font.Antique, 20, Color3.fromRGB(177, 0, 0))
if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(charWhoTagged) then
local playerWhoTagged = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(charWhoTagged)
playerWhoTagged.leaderstats.Eliminations.Value += 1
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 10 then
game.BadgeService:AwardBadge(playerWhoTagged.UserId, 1483874774032918)
if charWhoTagged.Stats.KillStreak.Value == 50 then
game.BadgeService:AwardBadge(playerWhoTagged.UserId, 15164141694387)