Bug with the new InGameMenu

Impact: Low
Frequency: Consistently
Date First Experienced: 7/19/23

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Have FFlagEnableInGameMenuModernization enabled (likely no longer needed as it is being rolled out to users.)
  2. Open the menu and reset very quickly

Here is a video showing the issue:

Expected Behavior: The dark effect should go away
Actual Behavior: The effect does not go away until the menu is opened again

Workaround: Reset slower or just simply don’t use the menu

I am aware that this is still being worked on and is not rolled out yet. Just letting you know about the bug here because I have no idea where else to post about it.

Another issue i found with the new menu is the camera sensitivty textbox being a bit too big


Though this new menu looks great, I can’t stand this darkness effect staying on my screen every time I reset.
I reset very quickly and anytime I do it this issue occurs.

They seem to have forgotten to cancel the tween or whatever, it only occurs if you reset before the transition finishes.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.


Grandient not going away seems to be fixed on zintegration LIVE as of this week but the other UI issues still exist.