Bugged item "..." Head

The item titled “…” is currently not functioning as expected due to an unknown issue. In the Marketplace it displays a glitched image that does not seem to be properly loading, and when switching between R15 and R6, the head continuously changes from one model to another and it also does not display anything when equiped in the avatar editor for the r6 mode but it suddenly shows a hat when equipped in a game in r6 mode however this does not happen to the r15 version of this bugged head rather it shows the r15 version of the head without a hat when played in a game wich is verry weird. Additionally, when equipped in R15, the item fails to display both the hat and face, and the head transforms into something entirely different. I have attached images that demonstrate the bug, highlighting that the head is not working properly.

Item Link: ... - Roblox


Screenshot 2025-02-19 171538

Expected behavior

I would appreciate it if this item could be fixed to function properly in both R6 and R15 modes. Additionally, I would like to see the Marketplace image for this item updated to reflect its intended appearance.


I don’t believe this item wasn’t supposed to be worn in an “intended” way and unfortunately they also don’t fix body parts that are R15 exclusive.

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Its not r15 exclusive or exclusive to any mode as this head turns into something else entirely when worn in different modes. It also was sold on the marketplace so I dont understand why it should not be worn. I feel like I wasted robux to purchase this head.

Thank you for the report. This is an acknowledgement message. We have assigned to our team for further review.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Bugged item “…” Head (Private)

I will no longer reply to comments made on this post unless they are moderators/employees as it is wasting my time with the only thing people are trying to prove with they’re wrong opinions is that an item that dosent work properly is apperently not a bug? Thanks guys.:joy: :joy: