Hey there animators!, i have been seriously animating since 3 months ago, and today i have stumbled across a… funny glitch?
so, i am animating a bigger rig(however, i dont know how it caused this glitch as i animated another rig 3x times bigger than it and it didnt have a problem like this) and i have animated a idle animation for it, in the animation editor (Moon Animator 2) it works fine, but in game… it does something else?
in game it makes a heart shape thing with its arms???, it seems funny to me but i clearly wanna fix that LOL!
The rootpart for it is anchored, but not while animating, so i dont know what causes it, may it be the hipheight? i changed it to 2 yet no changes, so i dont know
so, i have reverse engineered the plugin and found out moon animator DOESN’T support bigger rigs, and for that i have to use rblxlegacyblending for it to work which is okay, thanks for your solution as in the future ill just animate them by using a copy of em but smaller!
Maybe mark your last post as the Solution. I didn’t really solve the issue, I just pointed you in a direction that prompted you to find the actual issue.