Buggy Audio Script [HELP]

It’s a rain script but for some reason the audio is really buggy and sounds so weird. Any clue why it’s doing this?:

-- Services --
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

-- Starter Part --
local starterPart = Workspace:WaitForChild("StarterPart2")

-- Configuration --
local sizeX = 100  -- Size of the grid on X-axis (100 studs)
local sizeZ = 100  -- Size of the grid on Z-axis (100 studs)
local rainHeight = starterPart.Position.Y  -- Set to the Y position of StarterPart2
local loadedPositions = {}

-- Rain Generator --
local rainGenerator = Workspace:WaitForChild("RainGenerator")

-- Function to manage particle and sound cycles
local function manageRainCycle(emitter, sound)
		while true do
			-- Enable particle emission and set sound volume to 1
			emitter.Enabled = true
			sound.Volume = 1
			if not sound.IsPlaying then
				sound:Play()  -- Ensure the sound is playing
			task.wait(10)  -- Active for 10 seconds

			-- Disable particle emission and set sound volume to 0
			emitter.Enabled = false
			sound.Volume = 0
			task.wait(10)  -- Inactive for 10 seconds

-- Generate Rain Generator Model --
local function generateRainGeneratorModel(x, z)
	local position = Vector3.new(x * sizeX, rainHeight, z * sizeZ)

	-- Clone the RainGenerator
	local clone = rainGenerator:Clone()
	clone.Parent = Workspace
	clone.Transparency = 0  -- Make it visible
	clone.Position = position

	-- Find the existing ParticleEmitter in the RainGenerator
	local emitter = clone:FindFirstChildOfClass("ParticleEmitter")
	if emitter then
		-- Add sound to the RainGenerator
		local sound = Instance.new("Sound")
		sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://9112854625"  -- Assign the sound ID
		sound.Looped = true  -- Sound will loop continuously
		sound.Volume = 0  -- Start with the sound muted
		sound.Parent = clone  -- Parent the sound to the RainGenerator

		-- Start the synchronized rain cycle
		manageRainCycle(emitter, sound)

-- Generate Rain Grid --
local function generateRainGrid()
	for z = -25, 25 do  -- Adjust range to match the grid size (50x50 grid)
		for x = -25, 25 do
			local key = tostring(x) .. "_" .. tostring(z)
			if not loadedPositions[key] then
				generateRainGeneratorModel(x, z)
				loadedPositions[key] = true

-- Start Generating the Rain Grid --

Any Ideas? Thanks!

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My guess would just be lag between each sound being played and particle being emitted, right now you have between 448 to 2601 parts being used and a sound being played at each 10 second interval. I highly recommend limiting “RainGenerator”(s) in the background as some cant even be heard or seen.

You can create a grid system with a radius from the player’s coordinates to activate any generators within that radius and ignore/disable the ones outside that radius.


Correct, or you can decrease the number of sounds by a factor and then space them evenly in the for loop.


for i=1,1000 do
    if i % 50 == 0 then  
        -- create sound every 50th iteration
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Yes however this makes the sound more inconsistent depending on how spaced out you want your rain to be, neat idea though I’m sticking to my idea to removing super-distant noises hehe.

Roblox has a sound limit no matter how hard you try to bypass it. Also if you have tons of rain drops I assume it would start to sound bad. Most games will just decrease the number of rain drop sounds to a point where you can’t really distinguish each drop, but can distinguish it at the rate of how many drops are per second.

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