Build Feedback (AntMiner-T9+)

Me and my friend are both modeling a crypto-miner for our next game.
We both decided upon modeling it after the already existing AntMiner-T9+

Here’s a photo of the AntiMiner-T9+

Here’s are clones of it in roblox,
The one on the left is not currently finished yet.

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I like both of them, maybe add some kind of tape or something like that

One of the two cripto miners was made by Alterra, the ones that got Riley Robinson blocked on 4546B and killed Sam Ayou
I love the reference to Subanutica

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I like both of them, maybe add some kind of tape or something like that

Yeah, mine (left-side) is not finished just yet.


Hey! sush we don’t talk about that…
For real tho it is a really cool refence he added.

Yeah it’s so cool, i always loved Subnautica, I finished the first game but not the second, and I can’t even play them because they are not on Xbox Game Pass anymore :sob: and I still have to try a lot of things! :sob:
But by the way you could try creating some kind of futuristic version, or some kind of steampunk version because they always look good, keep up the good work! :smiley:

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Yeah I could try to make a steampunk version.

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I think my miner is finished, i might add some branding on the sides.

Wow I really like them! Now I think you could try doing a steampunk version and a futuristic one! (It’s gonna be a challlenge!)

Yeah, I have never tried something like steampunk or futuristic versions of any kind of object.

I’m planning on making this one of multiple system’s for a DarkRP styled game,


planning on building this next.

Ok! Hope you will be able to finish this project!

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Not sure, if you know what DarkRP is, (GMod-GameMode) then you know how hard this would be to finish, especially as just a duo development team.

Im currently just taking it one step at a time, making systems then combining them together, the biggest problem is time and censorship as comming up with realistic names I.E in DarkRP you can take on a job such as W*ED farming, and now I haft to rename this, or stuff like Co^ain making.


DarkRP is a game where you roleplay in a city. In a nutshell, you are living alternate lives, doing what you won’t or can’t do in real life. While it is extremely fun, DarkRP does have a little bit of a learning curve.

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