Build interiors with roblox or with blender?

Well, I am wondering if it is better to build buildings or houses or some other construction with interior with blender or do it from roblox. From blender everything would be more optimized, but it is complicated by texturing; In roblox it is easier because you can measure the size directly with a r15 or r6 model, they also give you the textures. So which one do you recommend?

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It totally depends on what you’re more comfortable with, to be honest blender can get some really intricate stuff done but that’s true for anything you’re tryna make but you can do a great job with roblox too and I personally recommend roblox ( b i a s ) for stuff like this

blender sucks. all my homies hate blender.

i do recommend learning it though!! you shouldn’t restrict yourself to only using roblox or only using blender, try to have a mix. there are some things you can create in blender that you can’t create in roblox, and there are some things in blender that you would be better off just making in roblox. i hate the complexity of blender’s ui and shortcuts but trust me, you won’t regret knowing how to use it.


If you import anything you make in blender as a MeshPart instead of a SpecialMesh you can materialize it using any of Roblox’s materials, so no texture work is explicitly required unless you want something a little more custom. If anything about the buildings’ structure is modular, customizable, expandable, destructible or randomized I would make it with parts instead. Beware collisions with meshes are unreliable at best but more likely unusable if it’s something enclosed like a room, so you may need to make the mesh have no collisions and put invisible bricks everywhere to make the collisions instead, at which part just using those bricks as the surfaces may have been easier.


It really depends- if youre going for as little lag as possible then having a building just be two parts using meshes would be the best option for say a detailed but massive city however if you want people to be interacting with things and doing it on a smaller scale for say an arena then I would make it yourself, at the end of the day it really depends what you want to do tho

Although it depends on personal preference, I would rather use blender. The optimization is much better, you can also import an r6/r15 model into blender to use for scale. Personally, blender would be easier to edit an interior, but at the end of the day it’s your choice.

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I do it from blender because I get to optimize it the way I want to. I think doing this is a good idea because it’s good for performance.