[Builder] Delus-Portfolio (UPDATED AND OPEN)


Hey there, I’m a roblox Developer! I specialize in Studio Building. I’m quite experienced, as I’ve developed for 2 years.
I was first introduced to building after being inspired by @soybeen and @Nahr_Nahrstein. I did some research and discovered it was quite easy to start out, but it wasn’t. I went through a numerous amount of challenges. I never gave up, kept my chin up and here I am.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Studio Creations

I listen to all offers. I typically range from 5-50 k. Though, it more so depends on the project and the client’s offer.

Please contact me at the following;
Discord: Delus#4589
Twitter: @DelusionalDevRB
Forums: @DelusionalAtmosphere


Your work looks stunning! Very high quality for the price range you’ve given. Would definitely contact you if I need a build! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much. I really needed some kind feedback like yours :slight_smile:


The builds looks super clean! Great price range. Hope you get some commissions!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the compliment and support.

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Got scammed,
Delusional is not answering to me and my friend and yet he changes his Discord username at the same day.


More information on this post: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/bullentin-board-scam-prevention/1041552

Got scammed over 31K Robux.

Isn’t using reshade kind of cheating? :wink:

Also did you use reshade for your portfolio pictures?