Builder Portfolio [OPEN]

About Me

Hello! I am a builder, and I do some other things such as clothing design.


I am available every day. I can work for 2 hours on weekdays, and 1-12 hours on weekends.

Contact Me

My new account: GushyFrog - Roblox
(Message me)

  • Comment telling me you messaged me on discord.
  • Comment telling me what you want, then message me on discord for extra details.

Discord: Frog#0343


:warning:(Group Funds only):warning:
My builds range from high in detail, to low poly. It depends on your request.

High Detail can range from 40 - 20000
Low Poly can range from - 40 - 5000

Build Prices

Maps: 2000 - 5000
Small Assets: 40 - 500
Medium Assets: - 100 - 600
Large Assets: 400 - 700

Map Prices

Mini Maps: 3k-5k R$ - [OPEN]

Normal Maps: 7k-10k R$
Large Maps: 15k-30K R$
Huge Maps: 50k-100K R$



Are you able to create cartoonish styled shops? (Can’t really tell but you are able to build in that style)
If yes, do you have any experience making them?

something like this? btw its my creation

I would suggest increasing your prices. They are far too low.

Yes! You can message me if you want. My building style is a mix of realism and cartoony. I am good with mixing them both, or building them separately.

Hello! I have sent a friend request to you on discord.

I sent a friend request as well.

Wow! Very good @exstellc! But the Sci-Fi, and this is coming from a HUGE Sci-Fi enthusiast, looks a bit unrealistic. I would suggest cutting down on the lights. Some people would argue that it hurts their eyes. When creating that cool Sci-Fi effect, you usually want to add some lights, but not too many. You want it kind of subtle. But other than that great job!

Here is a link to my portfolio, in which you will see some examples of Sci-Fi.

Sent a friend request on Discord. I will be needing some food machine type things built, can provide way more details in DMs

Ok! Thank you for the feedback.

1 Like

send a request to my new account (gushyfrog)

Is that for Roblox or for Discord? If Discord what’s the code etc.

Its for roblox ill accept your friend request

Hey I have this open world project, if you could help me with biomes, its practically large but the artstyle is blocky or classic

ok! my discord is Frog#0343. asfsf

Hi, contacted you. Anareloux#3569

1 Like

Added, I’ll wait for your reply!

hey I just sent you a fq on discord. Add me back so we can chat.

Hello! I would like to talk to you about some builds that I need. I sent a discord request: TNFhacks#8346

I’ve sent you a friend request on discord