Builder Portfolio [OPEN]

something like this? btw its my creation

I would suggest increasing your prices. They are far too low.

Yes! You can message me if you want. My building style is a mix of realism and cartoony. I am good with mixing them both, or building them separately.

Hello! I have sent a friend request to you on discord.

I sent a friend request as well.

Wow! Very good @exstellc! But the Sci-Fi, and this is coming from a HUGE Sci-Fi enthusiast, looks a bit unrealistic. I would suggest cutting down on the lights. Some people would argue that it hurts their eyes. When creating that cool Sci-Fi effect, you usually want to add some lights, but not too many. You want it kind of subtle. But other than that great job!

Here is a link to my portfolio, in which you will see some examples of Sci-Fi.

Sent a friend request on Discord. I will be needing some food machine type things built, can provide way more details in DMs

Ok! Thank you for the feedback.

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send a request to my new account (gushyfrog)

Is that for Roblox or for Discord? If Discord what’s the code etc.

Its for roblox ill accept your friend request

Hey I have this open world project, if you could help me with biomes, its practically large but the artstyle is blocky or classic

ok! my discord is Frog#0343. asfsf

Hi, contacted you. Anareloux#3569

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Added, I’ll wait for your reply!

hey I just sent you a fq on discord. Add me back so we can chat.

Hello! I would like to talk to you about some builds that I need. I sent a discord request: TNFhacks#8346

I’ve sent you a friend request on discord

Hello! I added you on discord.

Holy smokes, these are amazing.