Builders and scripters for Roleplay Game!

About Us :mag_right:
Hello there! I am co owner of one roleplay community which changed name twice. Owner spent a lot of robux on groups and other asset for communtiy. Today we are hiring builders (2x) and scripter(1x)

The team :construction_worker_man:
@Anix_Y lead Builder
@ThisCouldBeYou! Builder
@ThisCouldBeYou! Builder
@ThisCouldBeYou! Scripter

So far we dont have general progress,so we would like to have a game.

About The Job :hammer_and_pick:
We are looking for developers that like to play and make rolepay game. It’s nothing much, a simple city with police station, firestation and hopsital (not needed to be big), bank and shops and other roleplaying buildings and props. Scripters needs to script the mehanics of game(GUI’s, guns and cars)
Our game is based on realism so realistic things would be good to have!
We are looking for someone that can do work fast but in good quality!
Payment :moneybag:
Sadly we will be forced to pay our developers in percentage. Since we are looking for 3 extra developers, we will pay each dev 20-25% of games revenue. If game doesnt make any profit I will either make some backup budget or try to make some props and asset and sell them.

Contact Us :telephone_receiver:
You can contact me if interested, on Discord! Josip_V#9247
You must be at least 14 to apply! :slight_smile:
Thanks for reading, I hope we will have you in team soon!

We know that payment is in %, but it would really mean a lot if we make a game and achive our goal of being good roleplay community with a functional game!


I’ve removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “optional tags” section is for. :slight_smile:

1 Like

I think here is the description missing, what the scripter has to do.

oh boy that part must tried to hide. I will correct it now!

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