Building a castle

I'm currently making a castle! : D

I wanted some feedback on it, what do you think? What could I add to it? What could make it better?

Hope to hear from you all soon! <3


Wow, this looks fantastic! But the pink is a little… Overwhelming. But other than that this looks great! Good job. :sunglasses:

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OH hi!so I’ve seen your pic and some feedback for you YAY!

1.what is the sticking pole thing?on the side of the castle?

2.the tower doesn’t have dept of fields

3.the pink water have a unnatural end

I think that’s it I don’t think the whole castle is suppose to be pink good job and good luck

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Maybe experiment with other colours to go with the pink that rather having pink all the way long.


Oop ignore that pole thing- I didn’t realise it was there until now. I’ll be sure to delete it

Also what does dept of fields mean? Sorry if that’s common knowlage and i’m just dumb aaaaaaaaaaaa

The water actually goes all around the castle so it doesn’t stop there

heh I think I did do too much on pink though I’ll probably mix it with a white

Also I just realised how the bridge looks uneven and there’s no rocks blocking off the water so i’ll be fixing that.

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Wow it is looking really good! I think that it looks a little too pink. Maybe include some other colors around windows, doors, rims, just to give the castle some more character.

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Is there a specific reason why the castle is completely one color? I’m assuming your going for a princess castle or something along those too lines something seen in the reference images since it isn’t a battle castle.

For the entrance of the build, you should add maybe a path rocky paths or smaller buildings in the interior it depends if your using a reference image or building from your own imagination. A few types of castles seen online and in games often feature these types of objects perhaps throw smaller different types of buildings to the grass isn’t just placed behind the walls perhaps little props wagons, buildings, fountain, ect.

I think adding different shades of colors to the build could improve it maybe throw pink and purple together.

Regardless, there’s different approaches you could go about this, if your just wanting one similar color it won’t hurt including a mixer of colors. The waterfalls don’t fit at all within the castle perhaps add a wall or a mountain where the water would flow out of it just looks randomly placed throwing different things could improve it.


Thats amazing! Maybe add it on a floating island-? Is there interior? I would love to see more of your work!

Dept of means like you see in the tower has the huge door which goes in wards do it doesn’t looks like a wall and the door is sticker

Lol yeah change it’s colour to gray or I might throw up

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Pls apload a progress pic if you did any :smirk: