Building a plugin that helps you create and debug machine and deep learning models. Need your thoughts!

Hello guys! With the rise of machine and deep learning use, I was thinking of creating an “Assistant” that will help you create and debug machine and deep learning models from DataPredict and DataPredict Neural.

I was thinking of something similar to coding assistant, but it does not use LLM, but rather use keywords from user’s queries to identify and solve user’s problems. In other words, I will use regular expressions, bag-of-words or any natural language processing techniques that I could use.

It can also look at your source code and determine things what the assistant should add or change.

Note that it CANNOT create the whole system for you. Only the bare minimum.

Here is a sample of conversation between user and our assistant.

User: I want to create a model that select an action for a given input to play my game.

(Assistant’s Internal Analysis): Makes all user’s text lowercase. The “select” word is found, returning two types of models: all “classification models” and “deep reinforcement learning models”. The word “action” is found as well, which is the “deep reinforcement learning models”. The models that intersects with two words are “deep reinforcement learning models”. So the models that falls under this will be used. However, because the description isn’t enough, it asks more questions.

Assistant: Sure! That is possible! I’m wondering what would be your environment?

User: The soldiers will be using the model to make decisions in battlefield. It can shoot and walk.

(Assistant’s Internal Analysis): Makes all user’s text lowercase. Uses regular expression to look into context. Found “model” and “decision” in the same sentence, so categorical policy must be used.

Several dialogues later…

(Assistant’s Internal Analysis): Now have all the information needed, starts building a template code.

Of course, this plugin will be free for everyone to use, for both commercially and non-commercial use. However, the codes for the plugin will be closed-source.

So, I’m wondering… would you be interested in this plugin? Also tell me your reasons why.

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  • No

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Are you current user of DataPredict library?

  • Yes
  • No

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Are you current user of DataPredict Neural library?

  • Yes
  • No

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Also let me know any ideas or features you want to add in this plugin. Just make note that the ideas or features from you guys might not get implemented.

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